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cal stainless Camarillo Business Stainless Sinks California Stainless Manufacturing - Photographic Sinks
photographic sinks

dimensions and model numbers

California Stainless has manufactured this original DF80 drying cabinet for over 20 years. It is considered the top of the line within the industry because of its tested performance. record. Outside of cleaning it requires almost no maintenance, primarily due to the high grade of durable components. Fan or heater replacement is almost unheard of in this dryer.
Cabinet is heavy gauge steel coated with chemical resistant primer and polyurethane. Features include adjustable floor leveling mounted in back of dryers. Reinforced door has positive latch handle and is securely mounted with heavy duty piano hinge. Optional inspection windows with interior light may be ordered in viewing is desired. Stainless cabinets are also available.
Electrical is approved by recognized testing laboratory, Dryer is equipped with adjustable heat thermostat, variable 60 minute timer with automatic shut off or continuous operation. 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 14 Amps.
Filtration System. All incoming air passes through a disposable air filter located beneath dust cover on top of dryer. This cover prevents dust build-up when dryer is not in use, and prolongs filter life.
Film Clip Assemblies. Two CR-10 clip rods are included with all dryers.
  1. Removable stainless rods with 10 stainless clips is the most effective drying method. Clip rods may be placed in optional room wall brackets near wash area, loaded, then placed in cabinet. This is particularly time saving with sheet film loading.
  2. film clip rods mounted to side extensions are a popular option. Loading and unloading of film is easier. Film first put in the back can be retrieved without reaching through wet film.
  3. Thru Wall double door dryer uses side instead of back clip rod supports.
32 N. Wood Rd. - Camarillo, CA. 93010
Phone:805/484-1038     Fax:805/484-1030


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